Don't Antagonize The Monkeys Or Get A Face Full Of Shit, Literally

Sorry that you hate this place, Honey Boo Boo. You know who else despises the surroundings more? Try the primate locked in the box getting harassed by less intelligent primates on the outside. Anyone who throws things at a caged animal deserves to have literal shit flung in their direction. SOLID quick pitch of the feces by that baboon. Bet the next time that girl steps into the batter’s box she’ll be ready for anything that comes.

If there’s any justice in the world the zookeepers will make this daughter and her clueless Dad apologize to this monkey, Kramer style, and get another face full of shit in the process. Just for good measure. Because God help them if this baboon curtailed his auto-erotic activities because of this incident.

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